October 28, 2008

The Infamous Penis Fertility Festival at the Tagata Shrine in Komaki, Central Japan

Well, the Hounen matsuri (festival), held annually at Komaki's Tagata-jinja shrine, provides plenty of opportunities for all present to get their hands on some outsized phalli.

Yes, this is one of those infamous male fertility festivals that arouse a peculiar brand of curiosity among non-Japanese, particularly those from patrician Europe or North America. The roots of the event are in the agricultural renewal associated with the start of spring, but that is not the reason why people travel to Komaki from all over Japan to witness this spectacle.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mas, kok artikelnya ini ga ada hubungannya sama Kalimantan alias Borneo??? Bukankah ini sama saja dengan penipuan???

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